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The Natural Farmer

TNF Archives

Image credit: Turnips, by Sue Bottino.

TNF is printed with sections A & B. Section A includes General Farming Articles, News, Opinion, and Policy, while Section B has a Specific Focus or Theme. 

Archives since 2017 are available in PDF format only.  


If you're seeking an article older than 2017, please contact the editor.


Water & Agriculture

End of Organics | Onondaga Land Back | NFFC Fly-ins

Spring 2023 PDFs


Why do I Farm? | H2A Realities  Supporting Cultural Diversity

Summer 2023 PDFs

Scaling Up & Scaling Back

Breeding Turnips Beyond Eugenics | Person of the Year

Fall 2023 PDFs

Seeds: Stories & Strategies

Beyond Heirlooms | Seed Intimacy | Learning from Floods

Photo Credit: Whole Systems Design, VT

Contact Us

To contact TNF’s Editor, Elizabeth Gabriel, use the form below. Advertising/billing address: 54 Nedsland Ave. Titusville, NJ 08560-1714

Thanks for submitting!

© 2022 The Natural Farmer. Site Design by Jenn Bassman.

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