By Elizabeth Gabriel
Seasons Greetings TNF Subscribers and advertisers,
We hope the season of the solstice arrives with delight.
We are excited to announce that we’re working on a new format and look for The Natural Farmer. Beginning in 2025, the tabloid-style newspaper, as you know it, will be printed in a full-color magazine layout. We will continue to feature a theme for each issue and cover content of interest to the Northeast organic community.
Most importantly, this change allows us to showcase the amazingness of the farms across the Northeast and the businesses that support them with higher-quality images and text. We also see this change as necessary to remain relevant and appealing in an increasingly competitive climate.
You will receive the Winter 2024 issue in January 2025 because we need time to design the new layout.
Advertisers, please see our 2025 Media Kit.
Please don't hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns. As always, we would like to encourage you to write an article or story about an upcoming issue.
A sneak peek of the new look is below.
Happy New Year and Happy Holidays. Thank you for being so supportive of organic farming!
Liz Gabriel Melanie Espinal
TNF Editor TNF Communications
