By Olivia O'Dwyer and Noah Dest

We were born in the stars
as fire and dust
falling to Earth as seeds
scattered on barren rock
We are the spirits of creation
Sprouting from the primordial cocoon
the perilous inertia of dormancy now broken
Our fragile stems are lifted
curled and blanched
naked to the scorching sun
Digesting light prisms of the solar supreme
who ceaselessly summons fire to our blood
Mother's water rains down
and we drink
bowing with soft hearts and tearful eyes
At Midsummer's Eve
we dance with fireflies
our fallen star-kin
Entranced amidst a spectacle of lights
that same dance becomes a song
For whom do we sing?
With whom do we sing?
Now we become heavy and wise
swelling yet, somehow, contracting
From out of ether comes the knowledge of ages
to pour into this ripening vessel
Weaving five elements in urgent gestation
to render a sacred concentration
Finally, the world folds in
to welcome the birth of a new light
We were born in the stars
as fire and dust
falling to Earth as seeds
scattered on fertile soil
We are the spirits of creation
Bhoomi Devi Seeds is a no-till seed farm and company in Midcoast Maine, learn more about our open-pollinated seed offerings at